Press-release of 08.07.2010

Press-release of 08.07.2010
08 июля 2010, 13:33
On 6th July 2010, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) examined a case against the Federal Grid Company of the United Energy Systems of Russia "FGC UES" OJSC for the signs of violating Article 10 of No.135-FZ Federal Law "On Protection of Competition".

Earlier FAS Russia revealed certain signs of antimonopoly violations: "FGC UES" OJSC unlawfully included in the contracts for technological connection conditions about advance payment for technological connection without payment approval by the Federal Tariff Service. Also "FGC UES" OJSC unreasonably refused to conclude contracts with "Tuymenenergo" OJSC for technological connection of consumers to the network system of "FGC UES" OJSC through the network of Tuymenenergo" OJSC.

FAS Russia brought into the case "Lukoil-Energoseti" Ltd., "TNK-Nizhnevartovsk" OJSC, and "Samotlorneftegaz" OJSC, "Yuzhny Balyk Gas processing Complex" OJSC and "Tuymenenergo" OJSC as interested persons.

Having investigated the case, the FAS Russia's Commission severed the case into three separate cases to ensure full, comprehensive and objective examination.

The antimonopoly cases against "FGC UES" OJSC are scheduled on 4, 5 and 6 August 2010.

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