Press-release of 25.06.2010

Press-release of 25.06.2010
25 июня 2010, 14:31
On 24th June 2010, the Head of the Department for Control over Electrical Energy Industry, of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) , Vitaly Korolyov, made a presentation at the 7th Annual Forum "Russian Energy Industry 2010". His presentation was about antimonopoly regulation and development of competitive relations on retail and wholesale electric energy markets. Mr. Korolyov paid special attention to the problems of price manipulation on the wholesale market of electric energy and capacity.

Heads of the largest Russian and foreign electric energy companies, bank representatives and experts on electric energy industry took part in the conference, which discussed important issues of performance .of electric energy markets after completing the transitional p[period of reforming electric energy industry.

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