Press-release of 28.06.2010

Press-release of 28.06.2010
28 июня 2010, 14:34
On 25th June 2010, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) held a meeting of a Working Group of the Government Commission on Administrative Reform. The Group focuses on optimization of the structure and functions of the federal executive bodies controlled by the Government of the Russian Federation.

One of the items on the agenda was the forthcoming tasks for improving the work of the Federal Service for Environmental, technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostechnadzor). The working Group approved the discussed proposals after clarifying some aspects and refining amendments suggested by Rostechnadzor.

Participants also discussed the issues of normative legal regulation in health care: eliminating restrictions for access to private medical practice in Russia and avoiding its discrimination.

The existing legislation and current practice put restrictions to private medical institutions for providing all types of medical assistance and services for health resort treatment, preventive medical examinations etc.

Igor Artemyev, the Head of FAS Russia, suggested that investments to private medicine are impossible without appropriate amendments to legislative and other normative legal acts. If developed successfully, private medicine will contribute to healthy competition on the market of medical services. The Working Group considered possibilities of competitive state and municipal procurement of technology-intensive and specialized medical care among medical institution of all forms of ownership.

Representatives of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Health Care, the Federal Service for Regulating the Alcohol Market of the Russian Federation (Rosalcoholregulirivanie) and other government bodies took part at the meeting.

Participants also discussed the interface procedures for executive branch of government bodies and other issues.
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