Press-release of 06.07.2010

Press-release of 06.07.2010
06 июля 2010, 10:58
On 6th July 2010, the Commission of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) postponed the examination of a case against the group of persons of "EvrazHolding" Ltd. initiated upon some signs of abusing dominance on the market of rolled sorted metal products (Article 10 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Competition").

The case was initiated upon FAS Russia's analysis of the situation on the market in question in Q2 2010, carried out due to increase of prices for metal products at the beginning of 2010.

Having heard the arguments of the petitioner and the respondent, the FAS Russia's Commission arrived to a conclusion that it needed additional information and evidence and the case examination must be postponed.

It is planned that the FAS Russia's Commission will meet in a month to resume examination of the case against "EvrazHolding" Ltd.

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